Тонирующий гель Men Perfect придает цвет, который выдерживает 24 процедуры мытья головы и рекомендуется к регулярному ежемесячному использованию.
Hi my dear freinds. Today is friday and beauty tips again. So everyone loves our hair and every day we care about it and find a new way for healthly care. Somebody use "folk remedy" somebody - exlusive brands. Teenage girls at first think about colour of their hair and only after think about quality hair-colour and work with hair. I know that "big girls"(after 30 yo) start to find firsts greyhaired, just a little but it is (yobbos))). Me too try to fight with greyhaired and found not bad way: Schwarzkopf Men Perfect. A composition of this gel is soft formula, no ammonia, care complex ginseng+keratin make rich hair inside and make shine and strong. The colour of gel Men Perfect stay on your hair during 24 times wash your head.
If somebody decide to smile, not need, it really work, and men's cosmetik is good quality because men think about his health more scrupulosity then we.
And if we talk about men for my love men (my son) at last came whate converse (a russiian post is crap) because we waited 2 months
I like folk remedies myself :) Grandma taught me loads!
УдалитьGreat beauty tips! Thank you for sharing!
not at all)